Histobloc for Histoform S & Q 100 pcs
Press made out of metal for flat pressing of the MMA sections on the object holder during the drying process.
Polyethylene films, 75x25mm, 200 units
Technovit. Yellow Powder 100g
Technovit® 7100 is a plastic embedding system based on HEMA* (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate). The hydrophilic resin is used in medicine, botany, zoology and industry for embedding tissues for light microscope studies. The sections can be used for histological staining and enzyme detection.
Technovit® 8100 embedding resin kit is a HEMA-based plastic embedding system for studies with light microscopy. It is suitable for embedding all tissues in medicine, zoology and botany. Sections of decalcified or briefly decalcified iliac crest biopsies and implanted biomaterials can also be used for enzyme chemistry and immunohistochemistry.
Technovit® 9100 MMA embeding kit. Technovit® 9100 embedding resin was specifically developed for the embedding of mineralised tissues as well as soft tissue with an expanded study spectrum in light microscopy. The deplasticized sections are suitable for histological overview staining, enzyme chemistry and immunohistological studies, including in-situ hybridisation.
Technovit Universal liquid
Technovit 9100® PMMA Powder, 1000g
Technovit® 9100 basic liquid, 5000 ml